Thursday 31 May 2012

Contests and Prizes!

Want to win an awesome amigurumi!?  Wanna try your luck at awesome prizes?!

I feel like a casino owner!!!  Except without billions of dollars...or swag :(
Then you'll want to head over to Memo's Mind on Facebook, as she purchased an item from me and is using it in part of a giveaway over on her site!  Which is cool, if all goes well more of my items will be featured there, it's a pretty neat site, I'm excited about working with her!!!  So there is chance number one!

Chance number two, head over to my site and enter my awesome contest!  The rules are simple...send me, in a private Facebook message, your favourite dessert (real or imagined!) and I will pick one and make a dessert-inspired amigurumi from it!  One to be sent to you, and one to be made and sold in my Etsy store.  You will receive a credit for your input, and if you have your own Etsy shop and/or facebook page a link will be given as well. 

So, Super Cuties, good luck, and the winner of my contest will be announced June 5th! 

Sigh...I wish I had casino swag...

Sunday 27 May 2012

Magician's Mayhem!

For all you fantasy lovers out there, my talented friend has written and self-published a novel, and I did the cover art!  It's an awesome story for tween to teens (although I'm an adult and I loved it!), I hope you check it out on smashwords (good for if you don't have a Kindle or other e-reader) and amazon.  The book follows Tobin, a young man who leads-well...led-a quiet life as he encounters magic and mystery!  This is just book one, I am excited to do the cover art for the next books in the series, and to read them of course!

Thanks for reading, Super Cuties!

Saturday 26 May 2012

Summer. So close.

 I'm excited for summer, because it means cherries and watermelons are in season, and are therefore cheaper!  And, since I'm home all summer long this year, I will have time to sit on my balcony, eating cherries and watermelon and drinking...tea.   Yes.


What with the weather finally improving, there is a lot of inspiration for me to crochet!  From fresh fruit...
Oranges are pretty tasty n_n magical princesses...
Peegy is best princess! chocolate pandas with red roses!

Chocolate, anyone?
 And, if you swing on over to my Facebook page, you can enter a contest at the end of May that might win you a cute summer-inspired ami of your own!  Who can resist!?!?!?

That's all from me tonight, Super Cuties, I am going to take a break and go and enjoy some...ahem............"tea".

Friday 25 May 2012

Is this a Diablo?

About two weeks ago I did my first ever window painting for my friend, who works at EB Games and the store wanted something for the midnight release.  The game Diablo III came out, and although I have NO clue what the game is even about, I did the window art!  It's a late update, but here, finally, is the photo!  As...shudder..."instagramed" by Kevin.

Of course, as I was doing it, people were coming in the store and asking when the game was coming out.  Even though I had painted it.  In bright yellow.  On the window.  Next to the door.  -_-

It's something I want to do more of, and there will be more game releases I can do for the store.  I know, I know, it's not crochet but it's my craft and it was really fun!!!  Maybe one day, when I have my own crochet shop (a nerdy dream of mine) I will have cute amis painted in the window!!! <3  If you want to do your own window painting, it's super easy.  Draw your image on the outside of the glass with a whiteboard marker.  Then on the inside, using ACRYLIC paint (some websites say to use tempera, we tried this, it does NOT work) paint your image.  But don't forget, you have to do whatever is in the foreground first, or you'll be scraping paint and starting over.  To remove it, wash with Lysol or any other household cleaner and use a plastic or metal scraper to take off the paint.  Super fun!  I'm excited to do the Assassin's Creed one, that's one of my favourite games!

As for non-denomic cute crochet, there will be two, possibly three new items ready for viewing tomorrow!  Until then, Super Cuties, stay awesome, try some window painting, and have a great weekend!

Friday 18 May 2012

She is the one named Sailor Moon!!!

Many of my gleeful girlhood hours were spent watching Sailor Moon, playing with Sailor Moon, pretending to BE Sailor Moon, etc etc.  I remember once I was hospitalized for about a week when I was about 8, nothing too major but I was fairly sick, and on the second day I found out my room mate was a Sailor Moon fanatic too.  I made my dad, who had slept in the room with me on a chair and was very tired (and probably worried sick himself), drive all the way home, get every single Sailor Moon thing I owned, and bring it back so me and this girl could play*.  I wasn't very well, but GOD DAMMIT I WAS WITH SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTOOD WHAT IT MEANT TO FIGHT EVIL BY MOONLIGHT AND WIN LOVE BY DAYLIGHT. 

Sailor Moon is what attracted me to anime...I had seen anime when I was very small, but didn't know it from any other cartoon.  Sailor Moon was the first thing I was consciously aware of as being this alternate style and I just fell in love with the beauty, and of course, the CUTENESS!!!  A talking cat, adorable outfits, pretty girls, magic wands and love conquering all!  It was all too much cuteness for me to handle!  And so, this weekend, I am honouring that cuteness by turning myself into my childhood dream...Princess Serenity!

This is the only pic I have right now, I will get better ones this weekend of me being wistful...and know...standing in my messy dining area.

The costume only took two days and I think it turned out all things considered.  Had I had infinite time and money, on day one of the convention I would have done regular Serena (I can't use their Japanese feels wrong!) and on day two Sailor Moon, followed by Princess Serenity.  But I figured if I had to do one, this would be it!

And while this isn't crochet, it is a cute craft, ne?!

Have a kawaii weekend, Sailor Cuties!

*thanks Dad :)

Wednesday 16 May 2012


Peegs are awesomely easy to crochet.  Seriously.  Crochet a tube.  Add a face and you're done.  I shall make a pattern and post it next week, but for now, here are some new peegy creations!

A "cocka-peeg".  Animal hybrids are so fun to come up with!

*sigh*...seems like everyone I know is engaged...or married....even these two little peegs...*even bigger sigh*
Anywho, I am off until Monday, and as much as I would love to fill my days crocheting my fingers to bloody stumps, I will be sewing my fingers to bloody stumps instead in an attempt to create an Otafest (anime convention) costume by Saturday.  I know, I know, I should have started earlier, but I was super busy with commissions and other things (pictures of which will also be up next week!)  It'll be fine, although I'm starting to wish I had picked an easier costume...

This.  By Saturday.  Crap.

Well it's okay, I've always wanted to be Princess Serenity!  Not too sure about the "serene" part, at this point, though...

Take care, Super Cuties!!!

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Pomp and Circumstance

I have just finished a custom order for someone looking for a graduation present, and I don't think it could be cuter if it tried!

I are teh gradumawated!!!
My favourite bit is his little grad squee!  And CPP are the initials of the school, although I don't know what actual school it is...oh well, I hope he brings a smile to the face of the grad and good luck to them in their future career!

...I am definitely not blogging to stall for time so I don't have to go fold the laundry...

...not at all...

...I don't wanna...


Saturday 5 May 2012

Well, I didn't win millions in Vegas...

Sad face :'(
But what I did do is have a marvelous time!  There were NO scandals of ANY kind....<_<...>_>......And, when my boyfriend got back from HIS trip, I was able to use his camera to get some snap shots of my newest ami creation!

Meet my Banana Cream Pie Bear!  So yummy!

If I could wear a whipped cream dollop for a hat, I would.

I hope you think he is as cute as I do...I especially like his different coloured bottom.  It's like he's wearing footie pajamas!

Well, I am off for a shower and then it's off to bed, but now that I am back from vacation and have time, there will be lots more cuteness coming your way!  And with any luck...more ice cream! cream...