Thursday 28 June 2012

Quick post before sleepy time...

I'm having an "early" night (2:43 am) but I did just want to say you can now find my facebook page through it's new username!

Hope that will make it easier to find me!

Also, in the next few weeks I will be making this blog more organized and customized towards my actual products.  There will be a blog section, a shop section, a tutorial section, and maybe just some other sections filled with cute cutey cuteness!

Okay I seriously need to go to bed...

Tuesday 26 June 2012

So Many Granny Squares O_O

I had the urge to crochet an afghan.

I am regretting my decision.

Not because I don't like afghans (granny squares are awesome!) but I sort of forgot how many I'm going to far I have 10.  Out of 25.  Or, if I can keep my enthusiasm mustered, 36.  And I only regret the decision because I want to work on it and get it done as quickly as possible, but I want to do a good job, but I can't work on it and do the plethora of other things I'm always working on, and it's given me another distraction from doing things I don't want to do like laundry or cleaning and making me forget about things I do need like sleep and sunlight AND THERE ARE JUST SO MANY SQUARES OH GOD WHY DID I DO THIS TO MYSELF?!!?!?!?!

On the plus side, I'll get a cozy cute blanket out of it that will look considerably better than the last/only blanket I ever completed.  Hopefully.

In amigurumi news, a recent purchaser received her pink unicorn and was pleased, so I was glad of that!  Another customer bought this gift for a birthday present and that was successful too!  Although, honestly, who doesn't love owls?
"O v O"

This little owl enjoys the matching ribbon!!!
There will be more owlishness in a few days, after I complete my latest custom order...owls with Harry Potter themes!!!  Oh it fills me with nerdy joy!

And on that note, I will return to my nightmarish feat of making seemingly endless (but awesome) granny squares.  My fingers will be bloody stumps by the time I'm done, and my mind will be mush, but it will be the best blood and brain liquid-stained afghan ever!!!

Monday 18 June 2012

No, Peeg! My dessert! MINE!

Making Peegs is fun, but they have cheeky natures and are always hungry!

" gunna eat that?"
The copious amount of whipped cream is Kevin's fault.  Yes.  Kevin.  <_<

That sweet lil' oinker trying to steal my tasty dessert is a stripey Vanilla Cookie Dough Peeg.  That is my second favourite kind of ice cream.  The first, you ask?

BEHOLD!  Your Mint Chocolate Chip Peeg Overlord!
I also love Tiger Tail, but I don't have the right materials to make her right now.  I guess there are lots of awesome ice cream flavours, but those three are the best...albeit not in the same bowl...

While those three are chilling (get it?!  Because of ice cream?  Oh, but I'm witty!) over on my Etsy shop, I am figuring out an actual pattern for the Peegs and hoping to have something on my site by July.  In the mean time, if you are wanting a really good introductory crochet how-to, I recommend the following videos and sites!  

All Free Crochet for free patterns and tutorials.  It's a good idea to have a few granny squares/slightly hole-ey scarves under your belt at the very beginning.  Simple single crochet scarves are great to practice the "moves" of crochet.  Once you know how to hold the hook, the yarn, and make stitches with confidence, crocheting amis is quite easy!
Naztazia does a very good instructional video for All Free Crochet.  It's easy to follow and for very, very, very beginners!
Red Heart is, of course, a well-known yarn brand and has a lot of great content.  Plus, you can do a knitting tutorials as well!  (BOOOOO!!!  KNITTING!!!  KNITTING!!! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!  Sorry, but the divide runs deep!)

So get those hooks out at get practicing, and soon you'll be whipping up amis in no time!  I'll make my Peeg pattern and hopefully by the end of the summer you'll have some of your very own Peegs sneaking into your kitchen and stealing your strawberries...

Stay Cute!!!!

p.s. I claim no rights to the previous links, and am merely providing them as tools for any of my viewers.  I did not make them or own any material they contain within.  I hope that sounds official enough!

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Miserable Weather, Adorable Amis!

Just over a week ago was my boyfriend's birthday, and Thor must have been super excited because it rained buckets (flat parking lots were several inches deep in water) and there was a ton of thunder and lightning.
"Thank you oh god please stop..."
Ever since, it's been raining and/or hailing here in Calgary.  Actually, we had one nice day, but the others have been pretty wet.  Some more thunder and lightning too.  I like storms as much as the next girl, but I hope it gets sunny and stays sunny soon, I want to plant my balcony flower pots and work on my flip flop tan.

However, all the crummy weather has given me time to get some crochet work done around here!  I finished the piece for the winner of my contest, Imma Blac Shepe aka Jessica, and will be sending it out tomorrow.  A version will be available in my shop soon too ^_^

An ice cream hippo and his cone home!

Gotta admit...that is a pretty good hiding spot.  I mean, my ice cream cone is the LAST place I would think to find a hippo.   Giraffes, yes.  Hippos, no.
This is a cute way to keep a hippo as a pet!  They may be cute, but real hippos are dangerous wild animals and I'm pretty sure they don't like ice cream...or dairy treats of any kind.

If you want something super sweet, though, you really can't beat cotton candy!  I love the way it is super fluffy and almost huggable, and how it melts in your mouth, and holding a stick of pluffy goodness with friends tearing off big chunks and laughing together.  Can't wait to do that at the Calgary Stampede* this year!  And I found this yarn and thought it was perfect for a cotton candy unicorn!

The paper sticks they use always looked like horns to me!

Even though all the colours taste the same, it can be hard to pick!  Surely the bane of my parents existence when I was a child..."!  Blue! wait, pink plea-" "JUST PICK ONE!"

I have a commission due by the end of next week, so I'll be working on that.  In the mean time, I will attach some links to free "how to crochet" sites, so you can master the basic step, and so that I can come up with me official peeg pattern to share with you!  So stay tuned for that starting in July!

Have a sweet, ice creamy, cotton candy day!

*I wonder if it's possible to crochet a deep-fried Oreo cookie?  Another"food" of the Stampede...

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Pink Hippo Ice Cream Cones!!!

The winner of my Facebook contest is Imma Blac Shepe (cute name!) with her winning idea, Pink Hippo Ice Cream Cones!
"I get to be ice cream!!!"
Their will also be a version of this item available in my shop within a week, so keep your eyes peeled n_n

And the Hippie Bunny is off to his new home in Toronto tomorrow...bye Hippie Bunny, we'll miss you.  Also, GET A JOB!  (Just kidding!)

And, of course, a very happy birthday to my love, Kevin...even though he's super stinksauce...