Thursday 31 May 2012

Contests and Prizes!

Want to win an awesome amigurumi!?  Wanna try your luck at awesome prizes?!

I feel like a casino owner!!!  Except without billions of dollars...or swag :(
Then you'll want to head over to Memo's Mind on Facebook, as she purchased an item from me and is using it in part of a giveaway over on her site!  Which is cool, if all goes well more of my items will be featured there, it's a pretty neat site, I'm excited about working with her!!!  So there is chance number one!

Chance number two, head over to my site and enter my awesome contest!  The rules are simple...send me, in a private Facebook message, your favourite dessert (real or imagined!) and I will pick one and make a dessert-inspired amigurumi from it!  One to be sent to you, and one to be made and sold in my Etsy store.  You will receive a credit for your input, and if you have your own Etsy shop and/or facebook page a link will be given as well. 

So, Super Cuties, good luck, and the winner of my contest will be announced June 5th! 

Sigh...I wish I had casino swag...

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