Friday 18 May 2012

She is the one named Sailor Moon!!!

Many of my gleeful girlhood hours were spent watching Sailor Moon, playing with Sailor Moon, pretending to BE Sailor Moon, etc etc.  I remember once I was hospitalized for about a week when I was about 8, nothing too major but I was fairly sick, and on the second day I found out my room mate was a Sailor Moon fanatic too.  I made my dad, who had slept in the room with me on a chair and was very tired (and probably worried sick himself), drive all the way home, get every single Sailor Moon thing I owned, and bring it back so me and this girl could play*.  I wasn't very well, but GOD DAMMIT I WAS WITH SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTOOD WHAT IT MEANT TO FIGHT EVIL BY MOONLIGHT AND WIN LOVE BY DAYLIGHT. 

Sailor Moon is what attracted me to anime...I had seen anime when I was very small, but didn't know it from any other cartoon.  Sailor Moon was the first thing I was consciously aware of as being this alternate style and I just fell in love with the beauty, and of course, the CUTENESS!!!  A talking cat, adorable outfits, pretty girls, magic wands and love conquering all!  It was all too much cuteness for me to handle!  And so, this weekend, I am honouring that cuteness by turning myself into my childhood dream...Princess Serenity!

This is the only pic I have right now, I will get better ones this weekend of me being wistful...and know...standing in my messy dining area.

The costume only took two days and I think it turned out all things considered.  Had I had infinite time and money, on day one of the convention I would have done regular Serena (I can't use their Japanese feels wrong!) and on day two Sailor Moon, followed by Princess Serenity.  But I figured if I had to do one, this would be it!

And while this isn't crochet, it is a cute craft, ne?!

Have a kawaii weekend, Sailor Cuties!

*thanks Dad :)

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