Tuesday 26 June 2012

So Many Granny Squares O_O

I had the urge to crochet an afghan.

I am regretting my decision.

Not because I don't like afghans (granny squares are awesome!) but I sort of forgot how many I'm going to need...so far I have 10.  Out of 25.  Or, if I can keep my enthusiasm mustered, 36.  And I only regret the decision because I want to work on it and get it done as quickly as possible, but I want to do a good job, but I can't work on it and do the plethora of other things I'm always working on, and it's given me another distraction from doing things I don't want to do like laundry or cleaning and making me forget about things I do need like sleep and sunlight AND THERE ARE JUST SO MANY SQUARES OH GOD WHY DID I DO THIS TO MYSELF?!!?!?!?!

On the plus side, I'll get a cozy cute blanket out of it that will look considerably better than the last/only blanket I ever completed.  Hopefully.

In amigurumi news, a recent purchaser received her pink unicorn and was pleased, so I was glad of that!  Another customer bought this gift for a birthday present and that was successful too!  Although, honestly, who doesn't love owls?
"O v O"

This little owl enjoys the matching ribbon!!!
There will be more owlishness in a few days, after I complete my latest custom order...owls with Harry Potter themes!!!  Oh it fills me with nerdy joy!

And on that note, I will return to my nightmarish feat of making seemingly endless (but awesome) granny squares.  My fingers will be bloody stumps by the time I'm done, and my mind will be mush, but it will be the best blood and brain liquid-stained afghan ever!!!

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