Saturday 14 July 2012

Teaspoon Peeglets!

They're cute and they know it.  I'd let them get away with anything!  Even SHENANIGANS!
Teaspoon Peeglets are a great success!  They are inspired by yummy ice cream (are we noticing a theme in my work?) and can fit into a teaspoon.  Vanilla, well, she is a classic favourite!  Sweet and cool and perfect for summer.  Now, Banana is an adventurous, fun loving gal who loves jokes and laughing!  I've always thought of bananas as being a bit goofy n_n.  Mint is calm, laid back, ready to just chill and enjoy hot summer days in the shade.  Sounds good to me!  Keep an eye open for even more cute colours and themed peegs over in my shop!

Yesterday I went to the Calgary Stampede, with my best friend Kari and it was great!  We went on the Zipper, I forgot how queasy it can make a person!  The cheesy haunted house was actually the stuff of nightmares, and I gibbered like a madman was quite delighted by the baby farm animals.  Oh, and I won an awesome dragon named Chester!

He is my greatest accomplishment to date.  No lie.

The leopard found a new home with a Super Cute little girl who didn't have any prizes yet.  It's all part of what I call my "Stampede Good Deed" (< clever rhyming slogan copyright of ME!)  I enjoy playing the carnival games but when I win something smaller or not as awesome as Chester, I like to find a nice, polite, small child who hasn't won anything yet and give them the toy.  Kari passed along her little pink gorilla to a thrilled toddler, and I gave the leopard to this adorable little girl who's mom was super happy for her...except I didn't realize this woman had TWO little girls (I didn't see the other one at first) so I gave her my giraffe that I had won.  It was the same size as this leopard but was actually totally amazing and cute and I love giraffes but what was I going to do?  "NO, PICK WHICH OF YOUR CHILDREN YOU LOVE MORE!  NO TOY FOR YOU, OTHER CHILD!"  Although that would have been hilarious.  Wrong, but hilarious.

The Stampede is great, but I ate a lot of crap ie junk food and then today, I ate a lot of junk food again, and the scale is not happy with me.  I'm going on a cruise at the end of the summer and need to get back on track, so wish me luck Super Cuties!  I can so do this!  I just need to be strong in the face of deliciousness.  Such...delicious...deliciousness...

As promised, a pattern for peegs and changes to this blog will be coming, but I just got a new computer and I'm still figuring it all out.  So please bear with me and thanks for your patience!  YOU'RE AWESOME!  But not as awesome as Chester.  Sorry.

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