Monday 5 March 2012

All crocheted out...

Went pretty hardcore and crocheted like a BOSS tonight!  There's always something a little odd about crocheting totally adorable amis whilst watching Iron Man or Lord of the Rings.  I guess I'm just about the coolest nerd there is.  Shut up, I know you're jealous.

I made this just for fun and put it up in the shop, and made another ami for the promo.  The best part about make amis is coming up with their personalities.  This pink ami bear is all about girly shopping and that sort of thing.  I think the brown bear has a crush but is too shy to say anything.  Come on, man, make your move!!!!  I have two to go before I start the little ones.  And really, all this crochet is just serving as a way to procrastinate so I don't think about my looming art history paper.  No...must....write...boring paper....mustn' the....internet and craft making....
..............go on without me...*cough*...I'm done for....

Have a cute day, all n_n

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