Friday 2 March 2012

Hipster Bear and Artsy Bunny

I go to art college, and am familiar with "le hipsters".  I find them such a strange species, but not unlike Jane Goodall amid the apes, I have taken on a few mannerisms.  I have been known to wear "hip" clothes like harem pants (I love harem pants) and I own 10 pairs of glasses, none of which could really be called "mainstream" style.  But I still find the hipsters somewhat off-putting with their snobby attitudes towards music, movies, and art.  Oh yes, you're so much better than me because you are aware of this super obscure artist who glues shoes together whilst quacking in public.  Indeed.  Very deep.
But let us not linger on the social commentary!  Since I am neck deep in hipster culture, I couldn't help but make two super cute amis inspired by the fashions!

As you can see, we have a Hipster Bear, with his black slouchy beanie, classic ironic lenses (non-prescription), and his favourite grey fringed scarf that his friend gave to him in exchange for a case of Pabst Blue Ribbon.  His friend, the Arsty Bunny, has wrapped her extra long ears up in a typical art student bun (everyone at school, including myself, enjoys a topknot bun).  She crocheted her green scarf herself using recycled bamboo yarn and attached pins she bought at a second hand store.

So whether you find hipsters amusing or insufferable, there is no denying these are a sweet pair!  They're off to the folk music festival to complain that it has "sold out" whilst drinking their soy lattes from Starbucks, I hope you're off to have a significant day...because having a "good" day would be too mainstream.

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