Friday 23 March 2012

On Schnauzers, Hippies, and Chocolate Biscuits

A friend of mine has a Giant Schnauzer named Max.  He is just adorable, way bigger than my dog but still just a big baby who wants to cuddle.  They normally keep his hair clipped short, with the standard bushy eyebrows and distinguished mustache characteristic of that breed.  It makes him look like an uppity British Colonel, the kind with the gruff voice that say "I say, what what?  What the devil is all the commotion?" and such.  Last time I saw Max, though, he was in-between groomings and his hair had gotten a little shaggy.  It was hilarious.  He had instantly gone from a member of the upper-class elite to a bummed out hippie, begging for nachos in the kitchen from other party my mind saying things like "Come on, maaaan...I served in 'Nam, maaaan!" Damn that dog is cute.  Wish I had a picture.

Anyway, of course this all brings me elegantly around to the purpose of this blog, which is to talk about crochet, and I did indeed crochet a Hippie Bunny!  His fur is just so fluffity, I would crochet with it more but let's just say I wasn't singing peace and love whilst trying to undo a huge knot in it.  The end result is totally adorbz, though!
Peace, brother!

Two eras meet in cuteness!
Now, you may notice that the top picture is cropped a little short.  I was too tired to retake the picture but couldn't wait to post the pics on Etsy, but when I was brightening and cropping the shot, I noticed there was...well...a piece of that puffy stuff that occurs naturally in the yarn in"inappropriate" area...

If You Know What I Mean cropped it was!!!

And, I had time to whip up this Panda Angel, in colours that made me think of chocolate biscuits...Mmmmm so good!  I think he's pretty cute.  Although I'm hugely biased.
Fluttered down from Biscuit Heaven to land on my hand!

Extra soft fluffy wings for extra soft fluffy...flying?
Again, making use of some yarn I found leftovers from.  I do like buying new yarn, but it's pretty fun to find something you forgot you had and be inspired by it.  For instance, this guy was going to have a pie crust hat but I ran out of that type of yarn, and when I was looking for more I found this stuff and was moved to make him an angel!  So when you're crafting, and get stuck, or need a good idea in the first place, start searching for unique or special materials that get your creative juices flowing again and the outcome may surprise and delight you!

Happy crafting, Super Cuties!

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