Thursday 29 March 2012

Good news! I'm not dead!

My sister is studying to become a nurse, and needed to use me as a guinea pig to practice taking people's blood pressure.  We have an agreement that I will let her practice things on me, as long as she doesn't graft on any animal parts.  Unless it's a prehensile tail.  That would be awesome.
However, she was trying to find my pulse in my arm, and really really REALLY couldn't find it.  She shot me a look.  A look that says " might be dead, actually."  But eventually she found it, causing me to breathe a sigh of relief, because I was going to be very annoyed if it turned out I had been dead this whole time.
Also, halfway through her taking my blood pressure (which was in the good range, just below the ideal, making me "sub-optimal"...story of my life) she walked away to go check on the muffins that were baking.  That is either awful or wonderful nursing.  I guess it depends on the type of muffin?

Ew no wait gross they were bran WORST MUFFIN EVER I HATE YOUUUUU!!!

So, to celebrate the fact that I do have measurable, if sub-optimal, blood pressure, I made two cute little amis who live in sweet little mason jars!  I hope people like them, they can be customized!  I think they'd be a cute wedding or baby shower favour, don't you?  Or, you know, just because!  We can never have too much cute!

See, told you.

Oh!  And!  AND!  I went to see Danny Bhoy last night, he was sooooo funny!  If you ever get a chance to see him, do it.  He is hilarious, and a cutie to boot!  Also, he just seems like a really cool and nice guy!  I might have to celebrity stalk him....<_<.....>_>......

Have a great day, Super Cuties, especially my step-mom, who just had her birthday...well...okay I guess since it's past midnight it was yesterday but oh well, happy birthday!!!

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