Monday 12 March 2012

What OTTER nonsense!

What I did you see it!?

My lovely, lovely, lovely fans, Super Cuties, and people just passing by...I feel awful for neglecting my blog the past few days.  Hence the scandalized otter.  I have been busy and am working on some crochet now, but have no pics to show you.  So this otter will have to do.  Otters are pretty cute, I'm far more partial to the sea otter than the river otter but that's just me.  I shall have to crochet one, but it's on a long long list behind lots of other stuff I need to do so I'd better stop blogging and start crafting!

Much love, Super Cuties!

p.s. my friend, Jess, has a blog ( where she gave me a delightful shout out!  Her daughter has absconded with the peeg she won from me in a contest.  No peeg for you, Jess!  I don't particularly like children or babies all that much, but hers are pretty cute.  Except I'm still mad at her youngest for scaring me half to death for months when Jess was pregnant with him, and we were working together.  She was as big as a house and she could have popped at any moment, if she so much as winced I was in a panic.  More than once I seriously considered coming to work in an apron, a welding mask, and oven mitts, just in case he decided to arrive during our shift.  It was a stressful time and I have yet to receive an apology from him.  His being only six months old is NO excuse.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! I just about died from laughing SO hard! Your panic during my pregnancy was priceless, I thank you for that! :)
