Tuesday 6 March 2012

Ooh la la!

Today in art history we were talking about Rococo art and Neoclassic art in England and France in the 18th century.  There was a video from the 70's hosted by a guy who had a very refined English accent, but also that speech mechanism where he pronounced his R's as W's, so it was like learning art history from this guy...

"Wuv...twue wuv..."

It was very interesting, but I became hugely distracted by something.  We saw a picture, painted by Reynolds, of Lady Sarah Bunbury (aka Sarah Lennox) who was living in England in the mid 1700's.  Here she is in classic costume (apparently Reynolds loathed contemporary dress, go figure) making a sacrifice to the three graces to thank them for her beauty...

'"I have emptied my golden ashtray into your fancy snake jar...now I beseech you to allow my other breast to sprout forth..."

She was thought a good candidate for marriage to George III and was considered quite the elegant beauty.  It didn't end up going through for various political reasons and she ended up having some delicious scandals with men with names like Baron Lord Duke Earl Pemwallingshirebottom IV and such.  But I couldn't tell you more than that because my mind was whirring away on the following idea...Her name is pronounced bun-berry, so the cute idea of a rabbit in period dress blocked out any learning I had planned for that day.  So now, please behold, Rococo Rabbit, Lady Bunberry!!!

"I was told there would be cake?"

I placed her in French Neoclassic period dress (think Marie Antoinette), so she's not technically Rococo, but Rococo Rabbit just sounds cuter!  She has feather, gem, and ribbon details with her pannier dress (hope she didn't plan on walking through any doors...) and a powdered wig.  This is not an era known for its subtlety, and it took me all evening!  I had plans to make another basic bear to go with the Spring/Easter collection but I think it is definitely time for bed.  So that is all for tonight, my cuties, you can swing by my Etsy shop to see her there in all her glory as well.

Goodnight, all!

Much love,
Sakura Bean xoxox

p.s. and a Happy Birthday to my dad!!!  

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