Saturday 3 March 2012

Is spring in the air?

Easter is just over a month...I love holidays, and although I prefer Thanksgiving, Christmas, Halloween, and Valentine's Day to Easter, it was still fun to wake up and find chocolate goodies all over my house!  My special favourite was is the "Milka Eggs".  They come in a carton of four and you crack open the top of each egg and eat the cream filling with a little purple plastic spoon.  Then you eat the empty chocolate shell.  Then you steal your sister's.  Seriously, if you haven't had one, your parents didn't love you.  Go out and buy them.  You will see into Nirvana and sob tears of joy and regret.

In Amigurumi news, I have been given an interesting proposition.  Some of my products have been selected to be involved in a promotional giveaway by a local entrepreneur!  Here are two of the items I have made so far, I have three more big ones to go and I hope to have time to make a few smaller ones too.  It's all very exciting!  

I wanted to use Easter/spring themes for these amis, what do you think of the first two?

This little bear strikes me as the shy kind...but he's sweet with his sunny yellow ribbon and blue flower accent, don't you think?

And this lady is all decked out not unlike a delicious Milka egg in chocolate and purple, and with ladylike ear ribbons.  I always like to imagine rabbits being quite decorative and proud of their ears.  Maybe because I have big ears too?  

I don't want to say too much more about this giveaway, except to say that I am excited to be a part of it!  I will just have to keep my fingers busy crocheting and not eating chocolate until then.  NOT AN EASY TASK!!!  Damn you, delicious seasonal treats.....damn you....

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