Thursday 8 March 2012

Spring Collection Photos

Sweet Bunny, Polite Drop-Ear Bunny, Girly Bear, and Shy Bear.  Just before the creation of the Elegant Bunny.

We had a huge snowfall here in Calgary a few days ago and it has already melted into big ol' piles o' slush, that make walking to work a clever negotiation between my new boots and puddles.  But on the plus side, that means spring is definitely just around the corner, so I decided to get my crochet rear in gear-as it were-and finish up the Spring Collection for the Easter weekend promotion I am participating in.

The Spring Collection is now complete!  *massages aching hands*

Elegant Bunny is one of those bunnies who excels at all the arts.  Plus she's beautiful.

That is a heart shaped gem, if anyone asks...

A close up of the Polite Drop-Ear Bunny.  He has very good manners and a nifty stripe across his whole head!  I love when my yarn does that n_n

Now I have to make a few little ones, they won't take me long.  I hope my business cards get here tomorrow.  Waiting for something in the mail is so agonizing...I suppose I'm just impatient due to the instant gratification society we live in but I WANT THEM NOW DAMMIT!

On the plus side, I will have super smexy hair tomorrow.  These rollers make my hair super wavy and cute, but in the meantime I look like a mental patient, which is a look I think I carry quite well.

"Stay beautiful, dollface."
Well take care my Cuties, I will see you on the weekend!

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