Monday 19 March 2012

A Busy Weekend.

Work these days is absolute madness, so many customers and a lot of them are grumpy! -_-;;;
Yesterday was St Patrick's Day, I hope you all wore something green and had fun!  I went to a pub, the music was WAY too loud but the food was delicious.  I'm trying to eat in a healthy way so that I can lose a few pounds before I go to Las Vegas next month, so I decided to eat something low in fat, calories, and with lots of vegetables.
...triple cheeseburgers are vegetables, right?

I really enjoy the Lord of the Rings movies, because I like to crochet while I watch a movie to pass the time.  Since I have the extended editions I can make at least two, sometimes three amis if I'm feeling industrious.  The Lord of the Rings trilogy is great.  I have yet to read the books (I tried when I was younger...I got bored and Frodo and Sam were only at Tom Bombadil) but it is on my list (I'll skip Tom Bombadil).  I have a version of the movies that is in English, but for some odd reason there are no subtitles for the Elvish, so when they're having these huge conversations I'm sitting there going ".....they're talking about Arwen, right?  I heard them say Arwen..."  Also, since I have seen the movies a bunch of times, I start to add my own jokes and dialogue throughout and imagining that Gandalf is just an old hobo who's had too much moonshine.

"Gandalf, you're drunk.  Go home."

Anyway, the orcs are coming to take the hobbits to Isengard so I thought I'd take a break to show you what I made during the whole first half of the movie!

Red Apple Cat.

Blueberry Cobbler Bear.

Three little amis for the local promotion!  Dapper Bunny. Bookish Bear, and Nature Bear.
I also have two half-done custom orders that just need a little more work.  I like watching these little guys come to life so much, and sharing them with other cute enthusiasts like you!  Don't forget all the cuteness you see here is available on my Etsy site!  And, since I have two more movies to go in the trilogy there will be more cuteness where this came from!  Now, back to Frodo looking pathetic and Boromir going down LIKE A BOSS.

Have a cute day, my darling friends!!! <3

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